This year we have seen some of the most acute effects of our changing climate. We have read reports from the IPCC and UN that stress the severity of our global emissions, leading to mounting pressure to scale decarbonization impact. And in response, we have watched the US government for the first time push an infrastructure bill that includes more than $50B for carbon removal, electric vehicles, and grid infrastructure.
We can feel the tide shifting. And it’s exciting.
But even with available technology and overwhelming public support, there are still hurdles to decarbonize manufacturing. Managing energy infrastructure is labor intensive and it can be technically complex and risky to implement. In addition, energy improvements are often capital intensive, which can deter companies from taking on energy efficiency or renewable projects.
Yet manufacturing and industry must decarbonize if we are going to regenerate life, and in the words of Paul Hawken, “end the climate crisis in one generation.”
At Skyven, we’re proud of our impact in this monumental task. In the past year, we have doubled the number of manufacturers we’re supporting in cutting carbon. These manufacturers manage over 12 million metric tonnes of CO2e per year – the equivalent of GHG emissions from over 2.6 million passenger vehicles driven for one year.
To enable the hyper scale of decarbonization for manufacturers, we have built a step-changing model that funds and de-risks capital projects to help align plant priorities, energy savings, and environmental impact. Under Skyven’s Thermal Energy Services Agreement (TESA), we will provide the upfront capital, while our customers only pay when the energy system performs and saves as expected.
We have built our business around breaking down the barriers to industrial decarbonization, so our customers can decarbonize profitably. These manufacturers range from food & beverage, chemicals, to the pharmaceutical industry, across the US.
All this progress begs for more. We’re not shy about our aggressive climate goals, expect us to continue to hustle on this journey with you.